Treatments/Face/Skin Rejuvenation/Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is a gentle cosmetic procedure that provides intense revitalization and hydration of the skin. Using cosmetic needling we can deliver a bespoke blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other naturally hydrating agents directly to problem areas. Issues such as premature ageing, scarring, acne and hair loss can be targeted to achieve smoother, firmer skin and fuller, healthier hair.

Pioneered in the 1950’s by the renowned French physician, Dr. Michel Pistor, mesotherapy has since gone on a journey of rigorous research bringing advanced science and modern techniques to the forefront of the field of cosmetic medicine.

Mesotherapy is a non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment that uses ultrafine needles to target the delivery of a powerful cocktail of naturally rejuvenating substances. The deep mesodermal layers of the skin house the organized structures of collagen and elastin fibres – essential ingredients in the prevention of premature ageing. Targeting this area with rejuvenating agents strengthens and rebuilds these organized structures to tighten sagging, loose skin and plump out fine lines and wrinkles. The gentle approach of microneedling also makes this treatment suitable for delicate areas including the face, neck, décolletage, hands and hair line.

The cosmetic procedure of micro-needling creates small microchannels in the skin that reach into the deep layers of the tissues. This creates an area of maximum absorption of the vitamin cocktail whilst also stimulating the natural release of growth factors and other essential molecules that work collectively to promote healing and regeneration of the skin. From a single treatment, we can effectively increase blood and lymph circulation, stimulate the production of fibroblasts (connective tissue cells) and increase levels of collagen and elastin fibres, all without the need for an invasive surgical procedure.

You will see an instant enhancement in the appearance of the skin after the first mesotherapy application. This will continue to improve as the deep tissue structures are reorganized and strengthened. Whilst a single treatment has superb beneficial effects, we recommend a series of treatments to reach optimal results. Our trained aesthetic clinicians will advise you on the exact number of procedures based on the condition of your skin and your personal preferences and expectations. We generally recommend the following schedule based on age:

  • ages 28-30 – one session every three weeks (3-4 procedures)
  • ages 30-35 – one session every two weeks (3-4 procedures)
  • ages 35-40 – one session every two weeks (3-4 procedures)
  • ages 45-65 – two sessions per week (6 procedures)

After the initial series of procedures, spontaneous refresher treatments can also be administered after sun exposure or to provide a “freshness kick” before social events and special occasions.

Procedure Overview

  • Non-surgical, minimally invasive skin rejuvenation treatment
  • Direct delivery of a bespoke cocktail of vitamins, minerals and hydrating agents via microinjections
  • Can be performed on the face, scalp, neck, décolletage and hands
  • A “Lunchtime Cosmetic Procedure” typically taking 30-60 minutes, depending on the treatment area, with zero downtime
  • Performed by highly skilled NEO Health Clinic nurse practitioner
Woman smiling

Mesotherapy is a well-tolerated skin rejuvenation procedure. The treatment is relatively short, typically lasting under an hour. Clients may experience a mild level of discomfort, often described as a “pricking” sensation, although a numbing cream can be applied beforehand to make you more comfortable. The gentle approach and non-invasive technique mean many clients can expect to continue their regular daily activities after the treatment. Some, however, prefer to take a day of rest to allow any discomfort or redness of the treatment areas to subside.

The healing phase of mesotherapy is relatively short and risk-free. The occurrence of infections or complications are kept to a minimum when the procedure is carried out by one of our highly skilled, trained professional aestheticians. Clients can experience redness, swelling or itching as well as mild bruising or bumps at the site of the injections. This typically subsides over the course of a week, once the healing process has settled.

Unfortunately, mesotherapy cannot be carried out on everyone. If you have one of the following contraindications, we do not recommend a mesotherapy treatment:

  • Untreated diabetes
  • Scleroderma
  • Clients with open lesions or sores, including Herpes (A Stage)
  • Clients with skin cancer or active skin infections
  • Haemophilia and other blood coagulation disorders
  • Multiple skin neoplasms
  • Epilepsy and/or other psycho-neurological disorders
  • Autoimmune diseases or a suppressed immune system
  • Pregnant or breast-feeding clients

"Nurse Jo is amazing. The results from the treatments she has recommended to me are significant and I am delighted."

"I recently visited the clinic at 152 Harley Street for advice on how to make my skin fresher & more youthful. My appointment was with the aesthetic nurse Jo who was amazing and has given me great advice and a treatment plan for the coming weeks. I had my first treatment yesterday and the results are amazing! Thank you."

"Nurse Jo is absolutely amazing. She is very caring and takes a lot of pride in her work. I felt very comfortable with her as she explained the best treatments and products for me. I had Potenza, micro-needling with meso, and hydrafacials, and I saw immediate improvements to my skin. The results were incredible, and I couldn't be happier. She is one of London’s best… if not the best. Highly recommended."


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